Men’s Health Issues

Control Your Sexual & Mental Health

Helping You Feel Confident

Men’s Health Issues and Sexual Health concerns can impact guys of any age after puberty. From concerns about your arousal, sex drive (libido), lasting long enough, or ability to get it up, we’re here to help you address your most private concerns.

We know that for some guys, talking about your sexual health and how it relates to mental health can feel intimidating and even embarrassing. But the therapists at Ally Psych are trained to help you feel as comfortable as possible with this important conversation.

Understanding What’s Going On

Your sexual and mental health are deeply connected. How stressed, anxious, depressed, or angry you are can impact your performance, mood, and enjoyment during sex. Other factors that impact your sexual health can include traumas or drug and alcohol use. We know this can be difficult to talk about or to even know if it’s appropriate to bring up, so below are some common concerns that you might relate to.

Signs & Symptoms of Men's Health Issues and Sexual Health Concerns

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

You have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection when you’re with a partner but do not have a problem when you’re taking care of business alone.

Premature Ejaculation

You experience ejaculation before or shortly after penetration when you’re with partner but don’t have a problem lasting as long as you want when you’re by yourself.

Low Libido / Sex Drive

You have an unusually low desire or urge to engage in sex and find that you’re seldom “in the mood.” This can happen even if you’re attracted to your partner.

We’re Here To Help

We understand that your Sexual Health concerns can feel impossible to overcome. You’ve probably already tried to help yourself, with home remedies and over-the-counter pills just not measuring up. So, if you’re ready to take the next step and start performing how you want to, give us a call or text.

Questions about Men’s Health Issues

Living Life Fully

Losing your sex drive, or Libido, can happen to anyone, including men and non-binary individuals born male at birth. There can be many reasons for this, including stress at home or work, anxiety, depression, drugs, alcohol, or other concerns.
There can be several reasons you have difficulty maintaining your erection; attraction is just one of many possibilities. Other common causes have nothing to do with your level of attraction and can be medical, like Erectile Dysfunction, and/or related to your mental health, like stress, anxiety, and depression.
If you’re not lasting as long as you want to, or if your partner has brought this up to you, there are ways to help. Individuals experiencing premature ejaculation should speak with their primary care physician to rule out any medical causes. Speaking with a licensed therapist is also incredibly important to help address underlying causes that come along with his experiences in bed.

We're Here to Help

Say Hello to Ally Psych

When you’re ready to talk, we’re ready to listen. Fill out the form below to get in touch with Ally Psych and schedule your appointment.

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