Fees and Insurance for Therapy

Dr. Adam Assoian

Alison Borden, LPC

Brian Poling, LPC

Brittany Nicoline, LPC, CAADC

Dr. Risa Alfieri

Missy Maguire

Erin Schneider

Abby McFerran

Insurance and Reimbursement

Using insurance for therapy has some Pros & Cons. Here’s how we help!

When you choose a provider that accepts your insurance, the insurance company requires the therapist to provide a diagnostic label. Using your benefits for therapy means that your insurance company may also limit the type of therapy you have access to.

When you don’t go through your insurance for treatment, there are no limits to how many sessions we can have, we can use whatever methods work best for you, and your insurance company doesn’t get to decide if your concern is serious enough for treatment.

To ensure the highest standard of confidentiality and provide the most flexible treatment options, we are a fee-for-service practice. This means that we are considered an “Out-Of-Network Provider.”

How Do I Use 'Out of Network Reimbursement' For Therapy?

Invest In Yourself

Many insurance plans offer Out-of-Network Benefits for therapy that entitles you to partial or full reimbursement of your session fees.

Since we are Out-of-Network, our work is considered “Private Pay” and all fees are due in full at the time of service.

After each session, we are happy to provide you with a “Super Bill.” A Super Bill has all of the necessary information for you to get that partial or full reimbursement directly from your insurance company. If you are unsure about how much or how often your insurance can help, follow the following steps:

1. Call your insurance company

2. Ask the representative what your “Out-Of-Network Benefits for Outpatient, mental health, office visits” are.

3. They will provide your deductible and co-insurance

4. Ask for any forms you may need to submit Out-Of-Network claims

Our Therapy Services

When we speak on the phone, we want to take the time to answer any questions you have about therapy with us. During our initial chat, we will go over policies and fees for the type and length of the sessions that fit you best.

We want you to make the most informed decision about your therapy journey.

Remember… We invest our time, money, and energy into so many things each week: salon visits, gym memberships, personal training, dining out, and new stuff. Most people invest on visible and tangible things but neglect essentials they (and others) can’t see.

Ask yourself – are you doing everything you should be for your mental health?

Have questions or concerns? Please contact us!

You didn’t find this site by accident. Call today to talk about investing in your mental health. Please call us at (267) 454-1811.

“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.”

Are you ready to start investing in your mental health? Call us so we can talk about how to get you back to feeling like you.

Please note, unless otherwise specified, all payments are due in full at the time of service. We currently accept cash, check, all major credit cards, and HSA’s