Does Physical Activity Improve Your Mental Health?

There has always been some debate about the relationship between physical health and mental health. People tend to view the two very differently as if they were two completely different things. This brings to mind what my physical health has…
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination And Why Your Child is Staying Up Ridiculously Late
If you’re like most parents, you probably realize that your teen is going to bed later and later. So late that you know they’re sacrificing their sleep since they have to get up early in the morning for school. But…
Dining Out With Children Who Have Special Needs
Most families eat at restaurants or get take out 2-3 times per week. Although eating out may seem routine for some families, when you have children with special needs this process can become incredibly complicated. Most families of children with…
Improving Your Mental Health in the New Year
Like the vast majority of people, the past two years have probably taken a pretty significant toll on your mental health. Whether you’re experiencing increased anxiety, sadness or depression, frustration, isolation, or a host of other concerns, You’re. Not. Alone.
Surviving the Holidays: Part 2
Now that you’ve read part 1 of our Holiday Survival Guide you should have 5 great tips and tricks for facing the terrors of being socially overwhelmed and having to answer why you don’t have a date (again). But it’s also…
Holiday Survival Tips: Part 1
With the Holiday season in full swing, it’s more than likely that you’re going to find yourself at a family gathering or social event with the expectation that you will have to, well, socialize. For most, these gatherings are full of wonderful and warm interactions with loved ones and are part of what makes the […]
Why Rubbing Dirt on it Just isn’t Enough: The Importance of Mental Health for Men
Emotions, everyone has them but not everyone talks about them; especially men. We live in a society where acknowledging, let alone expressing, negative emotions is seen as weakness. This is doubly true for men. It’s no secret that men in our society are often taught from a young age to “suck it up,” “rub some […]
How to Find the Right Therapist
Let’s acknowledge something – finding the right therapist isn’t fun or easy. After all, you’re trying to find someone that you can be comfortable enough with to share things that maybe you’ve never told another person. And just like therapy itself, this may not be the quickest process, but I promise it will be worth […]
Virtual or In-Person Therapy: Which is Right for Me?
It’s pretty easy to see that COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the mental health and wellbeing of so many. With our mental health taking a hit, a lot of people have asked themselves what they could do to improve how they feel or how to get rid of their anxiety or depression. Often, this leads […]